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Printing from iphones, ipads, macs & macbooks...

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With the new printers it's now possible to print directly from iphones, ipads, macs & macbooks by following these steps, using Papercut Mobility Printing...

*Note: In order to successfully print, these devices need to be on the college Wifi & also use a transparent proxy (most should be set to this already so most can ignore this bit)

For macs & macbooks go here and install the - vm-papercutPCClientmac then add a printer, if not done already, by going to System Preferences > Printers > then click the '+' symbol and you should see some listed > then select & install the appropriate one (no drivers should be required this way).  Then it should just be a case of going File > Print as normal & specifying which budget it's coming out of

For ipads & iphones these steps below apply...  First stage is to install Papercut on the device, so you can tell the system which budget, or who's print credits, are paying for the printout...

  • Open a web browser and go here: http://vm-papercut:9191/ios/install
  • Click 'Allow' to enter 'Settings' (or if no option, go to Settings manually then select 'profile downloaded' and install the printing option)
  • Click Install then enter the passcode for the device
  • Click Install > Install > Done

Then you should see a 'Printing' icon on the home screen like this:


Now we can try printing something from the iphone/ipad device...
Go to the App/util you'd like to print something from & find and then press this icon:  


Then you should see the 'Print' button below, so press this (you might need to swipe along to see the 'Print' button:


Now the print confirmation box should pop up as below.  Here it's possible to set various options depending on which printer you've selected...  Key one is specifying A4 or A3 paper size at least!


Click on 'Printer' to view the currently available printers to print to then select the appropriate one - if this is the 1st time you've used this specific printer then it will prompt you for a username & password - here type in your usual school username & password then click OK:


When you're ready to print, click the 'Print' button in the top right hand corner to send the job to the printer - the device should then return to the app you were using
We now need to tell Papercut what budget we're using to print it from (for staff), or which credits to use (for students) - we do this by opening the green 'Printing' icon we installed earlier:


We then need to login using our usual school username and password - to save time next time, it is possible to click the 'remember me' box if preferred


After a short while, the item you just sent to print should be automatically found and then if staff, you should then be prompted for a budget, or if students, it should get passed through to the printer as it automatically comes out of your credits


If the selected printer holds jobs until released then its a case of going to the printer and releasing the job as normal.  If the selected printer doesn't hold jobs, then the job should print straight out


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