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Install https certificate on a iPhone, laptop and Mac for wifi access

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Because the College's internet usage is logged, we use a proxy service which sits between your device and the internet.  Modern browsers will complain about this as it thinks it's someone in the middle intercepting the information that you're sending and receiving, so we need to install a trusted certificate that your device can trust, the browsers can trust and we can trust.

Whilst in College and after connecting to the wifi, on your device, open a browser and type in

Then click on the link named "Click here to open a new tab to download the HTTPS Inspection certificate"

This will open the Download page which contains instructions. These instructions are fine for 
- a Mac, so please use the instructions for Safari (OS X)
- a Windows 10 laptop using the Chrome browser, so follow the Chrome instructions

The instructions for IOS devices (iPhones, iPads) and Edge browsers on laptops are not up to date (and we cannot alter them!) so follow the below steps please.

IOS (iPads and iPhones)

When you click on the Download Certificate link on your device, you will receive a pop-up stating "This website is trying to download a configuration profile. Do you want to allow this?".

  • Select Allow. It will confirm that the profile has been downloaded, so select Close
  • Go to Settings
  • You may have a "Profile Downloaded" setting at the top. Select that if you do and click Install
  • If you don't, select General, scroll down to Profile, select this and click Install 
  • The profile is named enforcersrv.clystvale.local
  • You will be asked to enter your passcode
  • Select Install and confirm Install
  • Select Done
  • Then go to Settings again > General > About and scroll to the bottom where Certificate Trust Settings are and select it.
  • Then touch the slider and select Continue
  • And that's done.

Microsoft Edge on a laptop

  • Open Edge and click on the 3 dots ( ... ) in the top right of Edge and select Settings
  • Then in the Search Settings, type cert (This will show the results in the right hand window)
  • Click on Manage Certificates
  • Click on the top tab named "Trusted Root Certification Authorities"
  • Then click Import
  • Click Next
  • Click Browse and then navigate to where you downloaded the certificate file (usually your downloads folder)
  • The downloaded file will be named as "https_interception_ca_certificate.crt" or very similar
  • Select that file and click Open
  • Click Next
  • Select Place all certificates in the following store
  • Ensure that Trusted Root Certification Authorities is selected. (if it's not, click Browse and select Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click OK)
  • Click Next and then Finish
  • You should receive a pop-up message stating "The import was successful"

Any problems, please email the ithelpdesk

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