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Email, phone, calendars, timetables for students and staff

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Using email, calendars, timetables

1) Accessing College email
2) Configure your smart phone to use the College email system
3) Open another mailbox
4) Email Retention Policies

1) Accessing College email

Staff and students can access College email (and Teams, Word online etc )from any web browser anywhere in the world - to access email using a browser, you can access it in many ways -

Or search for Office 365 email login

2) Configure your phone to use the College email system

Adding your College email account to your phone or using your email account from home also means that you can view your timetable which is synced to your Calendar within your email account.

It is also very useful for taking pictures on your phone and sending images to yourself (College email account) to be picked up in School, or saved to OneDrive from your email account.

These instructions are for IOS devices 13.2 to 14.3 but the information will apply to other smart phones which can utilise the Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync protocol (there is a pictorial for adding 365 email accounts to Android devices here)

To set up your iPhone or iPad, this is the procedure involved:

  • Go to Settings
  • Scroll down to (IOS 13.2 - Passwords and Accounts) or (IOS 14.3 - Mail)
  • (IOS 14.3 - Scroll to Accounts)
  • (IOS all) Select Add account
  • (IOS all) Select Microsoft Exchange
  • (IOS all) Type in your College email address
  • (IOS all) Enter a description like 'School Email'
  • (IOS all) Select Next
  • (IOS all) Select Sign In
  • (IOS all) It will say 'Verifying' then will take you to a password screen
  • (IOS all) Enter your College password
  • (IOS all) Click Sign In
  • (IOS all) Click Save
  • (IOS all) Select the account that you have just created
  • (IOS all) Select 'Mail Days to Sync'
  • (IOS all) Select the number of days you wish to sync your emails for
Your email will need to sync the emails to your device.  Depending on phone settings, it will default to syncing emails within the past  1 Month.  Setting it to No Limit will use more storage on your device
The College email system is for school related emails and emails inbound and outbound are monitored

3) Open another mailbox

Some Staff have access to multiple email accounts and these can be attached to their own mailboxes for ease of access. There are caveats to this in that it isn't possible to search within these extra accounts from a primary account, so accessing the other mailboxes using a web browser will allow searching within any secondary mailboxes.

Please see this 30 second instructional video on how to open separate mailboxes so that you can search for content

4) Email Retention Policies

Below are the email retention settings for the College Office 365 email platform.

Inbox - by default, all emails remain untouched by default unless any 'personal policy tags' have been specifically set by a user
Inbox subfolders - any subfolders that are created within the Inbox folder including all emails stored within the subfolders, remain untouched as default unless any 'personal policy tags' have been specifically set by a user.
Deleted Items - All emails remain as default unless any 'personal policy tags' have been specifically set by a user
Deletion of Deleted Items - Emails and folders that have been deleted are then sent to the Deleted Items folder.  If a user then deletes an email or folder from the Deleted Items folder, the deleted content is then only recoverable within the following 30 days.

Please note:
  • All email correspondence is copied to an archive account
  • The above retention policies may change in the future, but users will be forewarned of any changes to our default policy.

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